Naryn River
Naryn River: The Lifeline Flowing Through Kyrgyzstan's Landscape
Visits: 609
Amid Kyrgyzstan's array of rivers and streams, the Naryn River holds a pivotal role. Stretching for 535 kilometers, the river widens in certain sections to exceed 40 meters. Its origin is formed from the confluence of two rivers: Small Naryn and Big Naryn. Naryn winds its way through multiple regions, including Issyk-Kul, Naryn, and Jalalabad. Notable cities like Naryn, Tash-Kumyr, and Uchkurchak lie along its banks. Naryn predominantly derives its waters from glacial sources, with limited contributions from groundwater and rainfall. The river's reservoir is a vital asset in the nation's life, extensively utilized in agricultural irrigation. Several hydroelectric power plants, such as Toktogul, Tash-Kumyr, and Kurpsai HPPs, harness the river's energy to supply electricity for the majority of the republic. The sinuous path of the Naryn River leads it through diverse landscapes, traversing mountains, gorges, and valleys. Its bed features rapids and scattered boulders, its shores often transforming in response to the changing terrain. While the river's entire course boasts beauty, particular attention is drawn to the upper reaches, where the Naryn Reserve sprawls across 9,000 hectares. Home to unique flora and fauna, the reserve also entices white-water rafting enthusiasts with ideal spots for such activities. Even if extreme sports aren't your preference, visiting Kyrgyzstan presents an opportunity to witness the majestic Naryn River, a muse for local poets and a force of nature that sustains and nurtures the surrounding lands.
Naryn Region: Where To Go!
Arpa Valley
Exploring the Beauty of Arpa Valley in Naryn Region... read more
Kalmak-Ashuu Pass
Kalmak-Ashuu Pass: A Gateway to Lake Son-Kul's Northern Shore... read more
Kochkor Village
Kochkor Village: Nomadic Capital of Kyrgyzstan... read more
Jalgyz-Karagay Pass
Jalgyz-Karagay Pass: A Scenic Route to Son-Kol Lake... read more
Orto-Tokoy Water Reservoir
Orto-Tokoy Water Reservoir: Serenity and Scenic Beauty near Kochkor... read more
Naryn National Reserve
Naryn National Reserve: Protecting Coniferous Forests and Alpine Meadows... read more