Karavshin Gorge
Karavshin Gorge: The Asian Patagonia
Visits: 594
The Karavshin gorge, often referred to as 'the Asian Patagonia', is a vast and awe-inspiring natural wonder located in the Batken Region. Situated in the Turkestan Range, is a vast and awe-inspiring natural wonder. Its pointed marble peaks resemble giant crystals, and its sheer cliffs reach staggering heights of 5,500 meters. At the heart of the Batken region, you'll find the majestic Piramidalny Peak.
Batken Region: Where To Go!
Batken Town
Exploring the Beautiful Town of Batken in Kyrgyzstan... read more
Ai-Köl Lake
Ai-Köl Lake - A Hidden Gem of Turkestan Range... read more
Kudayar Kan Fortress
Kudayar Kan Fortress: The Lasting Legacy of the Kokand Khanate... read more
Sary-Too Mountains
Sary-Too Mountains: A Spectacle of Nature’s Palette... read more
Aigul-Tash Mountain
Aigul-Tash Mountain: Home to the Mysterious Aigul Flower... read more
Orukzar Village
Orukzar Village: A Romantic Haven Among Blooming Apricot Trees... read more